Another post in my journey to document previous reading suggestions on the Facebook Group, Printmaking Professors Network. You can see all of these posts under the category “Readings” here, I’ve been sharing my progress in documenting this back onto the Printmaking Professors Network, so I’ll begin today’s list with a comment by Phyllis McGibbon on that.
- Just yesterday, Phyllis McGibbon posted on my last Reading List post in the Printmaking Professors Network Facebook Group, “New discovery! Jennifer L Roberts has a terrific essay about monotype in this:…/dp/0300229372“
- Iconoclash: Beyond the Image-Wars in Science, Religion and Art… (Peter S Briggs)
- “Walter Benjamin’s ‘The work of Art in the age of Mechanical Reproduction’ essay – a must-read written in 1938…” (Bill Ritchie)
- Laser Engraving Photographs, (Sarah Pike)
- Screenprinting, (Nathan Meltz)
- Intro Read, Screen (Alison Judd)
- Post-Digital Printmaking by Paul Catanese and Angela Geary (Allan Greenier/Amanda D’Amico)
“While digital prints and the emergent field of post-digital printmaking share a common heritage in their use of computers to develop, translate, or manipulate data, we define post-digital printmaking, in its utilisation of CNC machine tools and related technologies, as distinct and significant in the way that it extends printmaking as a tangible process-oriented tradition, and also introduces a potential evolution of the print workshop environment. A key element of post-digital printmaking is its fundamental integration with traditional analogue plate and press transfer techniques, which therefore expand the core medium of fine art printmaking by exploiting contemporary technologies while retaining an innate commonality with traditional ones.” (p.8-9) Post-Digital Printmaking by Paul Catanese and Angela Geary
- Direct-to-Plate Inks 4 Polymer Photogravure
AN ONGOING ANALYSIS , by David Kachel (David Kachel) - Darkness Illuminated: The Printed Paintings of Hercules Segers, by Brian D. Cohen, from Vol. 8, No. 1, (Brian Cohen)
- “Susan Tallman’s article about Felix Gonzalez-Torres’s work called ‘The Ethos of the Edition'” (Judith Caroline)
- Phyllis McGibbon, “one of the best essays abut printmaking I’ve read lately was by Jennifer L. Roberts’ , ‘Backwords: Screenrinting and the Politics of Reversal’ which is part of the catalogue that Susan Dackerman put together for Harvard’s Corita Kent exhibition.”
- “Jose Roca’s introduction to the Philagrafika Catalog: The Graphic Unconscious.” (Laura Bigger)
- Preaching to the Choir: Thoughts on Contemporary Printmaking, “this is my new book 8 essays I have written on printmaking my favorite is Mel Chin’s Sausage community or relevance. please consider getting one for your university library. If you can not find them on line you can get them form me direct just email good day to all hugh” (Hugh Merril)
- Ink, paper, metal wood: painters and sculptors at crown point (Judith Caroline)
- OMG Posters (Lauren Karusso)
- Modern Printmaking by Sylvie Covey (Lauren Karusso)
- A Printmaker’s Cookbook – Images in Relief , By Diane Fogwell (Diane Fogwell)
- The Art and Craft of Woodblock Printmaking, Woodblock Printmaking with Oil-based Inks and the Japanese Watercolour Woodcut, 288 pages, Kari Laitinen, Tuula Moilanen, Antti Tanttu,TaiK/Publication; Aalto ARTS Books 2001, 2013(second edition), 2018 (third edition) (April Vollmer)
- The Contemporary Printmaker (Dave DiMarichi)
- Printmaking, by Beth Grabowski and Bill Fick (Matthew T. McGlaughlin & Others) Note: The 2nd edition is worth the update if you only have the 1st edition (Phyllis McGibbon and Bill Fick both stated this) If you are an instructor, Phyllis McGibbon says you can request a teaching copy from the publisher, Laurence King.
- Camus’ “Myth of Sisyphus” (Rueben Castillo)
- Letterpress, Letterpress Now: A DIY Guide to New & Old Printing Methods by Jessica C. White, “it’s good for beginning students.” (Marcello Vera)
- Travis Jaansen, “For the Love of Letterpress is good. Enough information to act as a textbook.”
- Oak Knoll Press for Books on Letterpress (B.J. Allenbaugh)
- Japanese Woodblock Print Workshop, by April Vollmer (April Vollmer)
- April Vollmer Review of Takuji Hamanaka mokuhanga: Printmaking Today, Vol 26, 2017 Spring Issue Takuji Hamanaka (April Vollmer)
- Anything by Lucy Lippard (Michelle Wilson)
- Wael A Sabor, “Printmaking off the beaten track by Richard Noyce, a great book on the not so famous printmaking artists from around the world.”
- A Survey of Contemporary Printmaking, edited by Matthew Egan, Michael Ehlbeck, and Heather Muise (Ellie Honl Herman), Aside on this is that I did a review of this book on this very blog some years ago, here: Book Review: A Survey of Contemporary Printmaking
- Phyllis McGibbon, “The new exhibition catalogue ‘Corita Kent and the Language of Pop’, edited by Susan Dackerman is really good- includes a terrific essay by Jennifer Roberts called ‘Backwards: Screenprinting and the Politics of Reversal'”.
- Tamarind Techniques for Fine Art Lithography (Brendan Baylor) I also own this and highly recommend! Such a great book for all types of litho, beginners, and even shop layout info more generally.
- And on that note, I also love Magical Secrets of Etching and Magical Secrets of Aquatint. I haven’t run across them yet in my look back into past posts on the Printmaking Professors Network, but I’m sure they’re in there somewhere.
- Artist’s Books: Freedom of the Presses, (Tia Blassingame)
- The Printmaking Bible (John Paul McCaughey)
- The Print in the Western World: An Introductory History 1st Edition Edition, by Linda C. Hults (Rox Sexauer)
And I’ll end today with this request from March 2018, looking for folks who want to write about printmaking!
- “Feel like writing something about printmaking? 😉” (Daniel Figueiredo) Contact: