We calculated yesterday that I am about 180 drawings behind schedule on this Facebook Profile Pics Project. Eek!
My original plan was to finish this project over the summer, in about 3 months’ time. I still hope to do that, but I’ve got some catching up to do!
As of last night, I’m up to 256 of what was originally 939 drawings (now I have 947 Facebook friends. Ugh! Gotta quit being friendly or I’ll never get this shit done!) Originally, I hoped to do about 10 drawings a day, 300 a month. Let’s say summer ends September 1st, then I now have about 52 days left to finish my new friend count on schedule. Therefore, hopefully I can do 13-14 a day.
Why does this matter? It doesn’t, really. It is just all a part of my joy of work schedules for my art projects. Deadlines are a really important part of both Blake’s and my art making process, but in very different ways. Blake is able to ride deadlines right up to the last minute and still create amazing work.
Me, on the other hand, well, I turn into a spaz at the end so I need to make sure and get the bulk of my work done early–but not all of it, for here is the key: it was still important for me to have something to do on a project the night before it was due (I’m talking school days here.) That way, there was some fresh energy in it in the morning. And it is such a great bonding activity, late nights in the studio the evening before a project is due. I always wanted to make sure I had enough done that I could enjoy the atmosphere, though. Just have finishing touches left–otherwise, the stress would turn me into a little ball of disaster.
On a technical note: The past couple of days, I was having trouble with my ballpoint pens drying out, so I gave in and switched to a better one—at least, until I ruin the tip on it. I always press down too hard. That’s why Blake has to hide his pens from me. These drawings were done with a Staedtler 0.3 pigment liner and a little cake watercolor set.
So, I hope you enjoy these and the 13.288 drawings I’ll be doing every day for the rest of the summer!
And don’t forget to check out the links to all the posts in the series at the end of this one.
The first time I met Leanne was at an art sale at Blackbird Letterpress. I loved her ceramic works and immediately bought several for gifts (keeping some for myself, of course!) She has an amazing son, Zen, and another little one on the way! Check out her Pottery, Drawing and Sculptural work here:
Emily Cummings:
Yvette if a friend of ours from print conferences who joined the army after 9/11 and had two deployments in Iraq, during which she made works of art and became a sort of unofficial “division artist.” Afterwards, she got her BFA at the University of Wisconsin and started the Veteran Artist Program. She works with other veterans, interviewing them about their experiences and making works of art based off of those conversations. Learn more here:
The Amazing Matt Hopson-Walker:
Josh Watts, Printmaker:
John Hitchcock’s politically motivated prints:
James Martin Mazorra of
Kim Deakins is an artist I know through my friend Brian Hitselberger, who went to graduate school with her at the University of Georgia. You can check out her amazing portfolio of tattoo art here. Or check out her main site:
Alex Dukal is an amazing illustrator! Check it out:
I also love Sean Caulfield‘s work. He was a visiting artist at BGSU earlier this year.
Until next time…
The Facebook Drawings Series:
- 939 Drawings: My Facebook Friends’ Profile Pictures in Watercolor & Ink
- Part II of 939 Drawings: My Facebook Friends’ Profile Pictures in Watercolor & Ink
- Part III of 939 Drawings: Charles Beneke, You Asked for It
- Part IV of 939 Drawings: My Facebook Friends’ Profile Pictures in Watercolor & Ink
- Part V of 939 Drawings: My Facebook Friends’ Profile Pictures in Watercolor & Ink: #102-145
- Part VI of 939 Drawings: My Facebook Friends’ Profile Pictures in Watercolor & Ink
- The Long-Suffering Eisel, Part VII of 939 Drawings: My Facebook Friends’ Profile Pictures in Watercolor & Ink
- Hot Mess, Part VIII of 939 Drawings: My Facebook Friends’ Profile Pictures in Watercolor & Ink
P.S. I rescanned yours from last time, Kevin Kane, so that you’ll have a better image of it for your Facebook Profile Picture. Thanks for the support!
Pingback: Part X of 939 Drawings: My Facebook Friends’ Profile Pictures in Watercolor & Ink | Orange Barrel Industries
Pingback: Part XI of 939 Drawings: My Facebook Friends’ Profile Pictures in Watercolor & Ink | Orange Barrel Industries
Pingback: Delayed Departure and a Tardy Part XII of 939 Drawings: My Facebook Friends’ Profile Pictures in Watercolor & Ink | Orange Barrel Industries
Pingback: Why Don’t You Draw A Picture? It’ll Last Longer! And Other Retorts in Part XIII of 939 Drawings: My Facebook Friends’ Profile Pictures in Watercolor & Ink | Orange Barrel Industries